What Makes It Different
Specially designed for Everyday Fitness. Maybe not enough for fitness.
No Artificial Ingredients. May contain artificial ingredients.
Contains 29.5g protein. 100% From Plants. May be from artificially processed Proteins (Milk/Whey).
No Added Sugar. May contain sugar.
Almost no chances of bloating. May cause bloating due to added soy or whey.
Contains Complete Amino Acids Profile. May only have a few amino acids.
Contains 11.8g Essential Amino Acids (EAA’s) May not have more than 5g EAA’s.
Contains 5.4g Essential BCAA’s. May not have more than 3g BCAA’s.
Helps in muscle repair and recovery. May not give good recovery to the body.
Made for everyone in the Family. May not be made for everyone in the family.
No Unwanted Excipients. May contain unnecessary filler & thickeners.
No Artificial Sweetener. May contain artificial sweeteners.